Self-Care & Motivation

Here are 27 ways to be kind to yourself
Remember that you are always allowed to change your mind! This isn’t about being flaky, it’s about prioritizing you.
Say “No”. Your feelings/gut/intuition will often give you a little nudge as to whether it’s a “yes” or a “no”. Start to pay attention…
Give yourself a super-tasty, healthy treat (fresh strawberries or melon) rather than the tub of ice cream…
Reach out to a friend or hug someone. If you can’t for some reason, find a private spot and give yourself a hug!
Simply slow down. Whatever you’re doing, ease off a bit. Take your time.
Have a relaxing bath. This one is both overused as a self-care solution—and yet is so powerful. Warmth, quiet, peace, nice scents.
Create something. Anything.
Go outside in nature. Go for walk and feel the sun or rain on your skin, listen to the birds, stare at the trees for 15 mins (or more!). Learn more about forest bathing here.
Dance/Sing/Play/Laugh/Skip for a few minutes—or longer. Choose a favourite song, funny TV show or video clip you love.
Give yourself 5 mins of (almost nothing). Meditate or stare out of the window. People watch, simply drink your cup of tea or stretch with a few yoga poses.
Decide to forgive yourself. We all make mistakes. Remember, there is no failure, only learning…
Have a cozy nap. Set a timer if you want/need to. Grab a blanket, eye mask or close the curtains. Be warm. Rest.
Refuse to compare yourself to others. There is only one you!
Connect with your self/Disconnect from technology. Reduce time spent on the internet/devices, especially Social Media/YouTube etc.!
Focus on excellence not perfection. Chasing perfection is tiring and it’s hard on everyone (not just you!). Remember it’s your flaws that make you lovable…
Remember you are never (really) alone. Someone somewhere is experiencing similar issues to you—or has in the past. You can do this.
Release “toxic” emotions eg. rage/resentment/guilt/shame. Punch a pillow, see a counsellor, journal, write an “unsent letter” (a letter you let everything out in, but then destroy before sending).
Make a conscious effort to surround yourself with people who love you and want you to do well. Try the Spark Team Tool!
Set a timer for 30-45 minutes and read a fun, favorite or inspirational book, in the middle of the day, just because—or because you’re feeling tired/stressed.
This is one of my ‘go-to’ ways to be kind to myself. And it never fails to relax and restore me to myself!
Tidy, organize or finish something that’s been bothering you.
If you’re feeling down, take a moment to make a list of what IS good in your life, what’s important and what’s right in your life… Or try this super-easy 5 things gratitude ritual.
Give yourself the time to cook a meal you love. Delicious—preferably “healthy”—but the key is to enjoy the process as well as eating it!
Live your values. Honor them.
Believe that you deserve to enjoy life! You don’t have to earn rest, plan or fun-time…
Do something that brings you joy. It might be a lot easier than you think! Try the What Makes My Heart Sing? Tool
Get more sleep! Go to bed ‘early’. Create a sleep routine. What helps you get to sleep? Research, learn, customize for yourself—and prioritize it!